dear son taue...
dear son peter...
I’ve been doing a quick re-reading on “philosophising… part eight…”
and… I realized that I had written “moco”…
but this is because I’m assuming that your computer…
cannot interpret the “c-cedilha”…
so… actually… the “moco” which I wrote…
should be pronounced as “mosso”… ( a young man )…
aeromosso… aeromossa… with c-cedilha... of course…
instead of double “s”…
--- --- ---
but… maybe… all this preventive-care… is unnecessary…
because… maybe… your computer does accept…
the latin characters… with accents… c-cedilha… etc…
please… let me know if that’s the case… or not…
--- --- ---
this time… I just sent you two chapters in a row…
the philosophising-part-seven… and… right after… the part-eight…
that was because… the part-seven… besides being too small…
it was kind of “in-a-bad-mood”…
since it talked about something which traumatized me a lot…
( the colegio-militar…)…
and… so… I felt a visceral necessity… to “dive” right away… into part-eight…
in order to be able to talk about my first encounter…
with the sensation of being pushed by a wave…
during my two last days of recife…
( a encounter which wasn’t planned at all…
it just happened very “accidentally’…
I wasn’t expecting it…
it was something like magic…)
--- --- ---
and… how about your lives… overall…
how are things going there…?... is everything fine…?
see you soon…
a super-super-super hug…
in both of you…
your father…
…luis antonio…